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Veral W. Huvelle
Weds Evelyn Gay

Couple Leave After Cere-
mony for Honeymoon
Journey to Mexico

Miss Evelyn Gay, Daughter of Mrs. W. L. Gay, 3219 Bowser, and Veral W. Huvelle, son of Mr. And Mrs. C. H. HuvelleJr., 4228 Travis, were married Tuesday evening at the home of the bride's mother.
Dr. W. Marshall Craig, pastor, Gaston Avenue Baptist Church, performed the ceremony in the presence of the members of the families and close friends.
The altar, arranged in the living room, was banked with ferns and palms.  White tapers burned in seven-branched candelabra at each side of the altar and also were used on the piano.
Musical Program Given.
John L. Manning sang "Until" and "I Love You Truly," accompanied by Miss Louise Brown, who also played the wedding march.
The bride wore an aquamarine moire taffeta frock designed with a small roll collar and trimmed down the back of the waist with tiny covered buttons of the dress material.  The sleeves were full and puffed and the circular skirt hung to the floor.  She wore a silver tiara in her hair and her slippers were of silver kid.  Her flowers were a modernistic bouquet of calla lilies tied with a wide white satin ribbon. 
Miss Mary Alice Hassell, the bride's only attendant, wore a peach-colored frock and silver slippers.  Her flowers were an arm bouquet of shell pink asters.
Victor M. Huvelle, brother of the bridegroom, was best man.
Reception Follows Ceremony.
A reception was held after the ceremony.  The bride's table was covered with an ecru lace cloth and centered with a mirror reflector on which a five-branched candelabra holding white tapers was arranged.  Miss Hassell presided at the crystal punch bowl which was placed at one end of the table and Mrs. Homer E. Crabbe served at the ring-shaped wedding cake placed at the other end of the table.  Pompon asters were used in the center of the wedding cake.
Mrs. Gay and Mrs. Huvelle, Mothers of the bride and bridegroom, both wore black sheer crepe frocks and shoulder bouquets of white asters.
Mr. and Mrs. Huvelle left after the reception for a wedding trip to Carlsbad Caverns, El Paso and Mexico.  The bride's traveling costume was a Dubonnet suit with which she wore black accessories.
The bride and bridegroom are both graduates of North Dallas High School and Mr. Huvelle is a former student of Texas A. & M. College.
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